Always On
ORBYT GLOBAL is a maritime technology company providing shipping businesses with the confidence that comes from always keeping in touch. It provides specialized communication and navigation applications that integrates the ship and office into one seamless network. And its services also support IoT requirements throughout the whole value chain, either remotely or through maintenance solutions. That way you can always be sure to be on top of things.
Always On Board

Network and Service Management Platform

Always on Course

Bespoke e-navigation and digital applications creating a data intelligent ecosystem with all requirements to ensure you are ready to sail securely, practically and peny-wise.
ORBYT GLOBAL holds a leading position in the Maritime Market, providing a full range of digital products (AVCS, ADPs, eNPs) of United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, whilst integrating ship to shore and providing shipping companies with improved processes and analytics to boost the productivity of their operations.

Always Online

Continuous, reliable, pole to pole network reach, connecting businesses without boundaries with state-of-the-art future proofed technology efficiently and cost effectively.
ORBYT GLOBAL provides standard and customized satellite communication services by offering unlimited bandwidth that covers Ka, Ku, L and C Band frequencies, as well as terrestrial 4G and by being supported by Orbyt’s own teleport and network operations, ensuring a seamless connection, with the speed and stability needed for the ship operations and the onshore activities.
Always On Your Side

You aren’t 9-5 so neither are we!
We are monitoring customer service and support on 6 continents 24/7/365 by ORBYT GLOBAL’s infrastructure and experienced engineers, both technical and in the field.
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December 19, 2024